# Date Format

Some of our APIs, e.g., the Notification API, will require parameters of the special type Date which is the date time format also used in Adalo. That is, if you're deriving your input values from Adalo's native Date Picker component or from a collection field of type Date, our API integration will integrate seamlessly without further attention from you (just make sure to apply "No Formatting" to the Date input).

However, if you're using a more advanced setup, or for whatever reason you can use the date value from Adalo's components or collections directly, this article helps you create a text that conforms the expected Date format.


The following text represents a valid date.


Let's break it down:

  • "2023": the year
  • "02": the month
  • "22": the day
  • "T": a separator indicating the start of the time
  • "14": the hour in 24-hour format
  • "53": the minute
  • "15": the second
  • "Z": the time zone, which is set to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in this case.

Putting it all together, if the date and time you want to create the string for is February 22nd, 2023 at 2:53:15 PM UTC, the resulting string would be "2023-02-22T14:53:15Z".

Many users struggle with the time zone configuration. Our API has no way to guess the time zone of the user, so we require you to specify it!

For instance, if you live in California (USA), you're local timezone has a UTC offset of -08:00. So to correctly represent, e.g., February 22nd, 2023 at 01:00:00 PM local time in California, you could write "2023-02-22T13:00:00-08:00".

See a list of country/states and their timezone here (opens new window).

Last Updated: 2/22/2023, 5:47:47 PM